Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Back to 7 West

CJ went to the clinic today for a blood check and was re-admitted to the hospital. His counts are still low, but not low enough to require more transfusions. Actually, they are better than when he left the hospital on Monday, which is a good thing, but there has been a new development.

We noticed on Monday that he was favoring his left arm. He complained a little that it was hurting him. We wondered if it may have been somehow related to the fracture he received a couple of months ago, but an x-ray ruled that out. We also considered that he may be feeling the effects of the chemo which will cause joint pain, usually in the hips and legs. The doctors were concerned that there was a problem with his port so they wanted him back in the hospital for more tests.

They suspect that he may have a blood clot. Apparently, this sometimes happens when a port is inserted. They will run some sort of scan tomorrow that should verify that there is a clot. He will be sedated for this test. In the meantime they ran a CT scan of his brain this evening to rule out any bleeding there. There is no reason to suspect that there is, they just want to rule that out before starting him on blood thinners. Their plan is to start him on those later tonight after they've received the results of the brain scan.

I'm sorry, that's about all the info we have at this point. I will post another update as soon as we know more.

Please keep our little guy in your prayers.


  1. audrey said...
    To anyone that may be interested in how Crais Stephen is doing, this is a wonderful place for you all to learn of his condition. For those of us in his family, this is not the way that we need to be hearing what is going on! Craig Stephen has a whole other family, that obviously, all of you have forgotten. We love Craig Stephen! We need to be given the courtousy of at least a phone call, when something new is going on with him. We are here waiting everyday for someone to tell us, not write to the blog, but verbally tell us what is going on. We want to be there, with Craig Stephen. He loves us, too. And aren't we ALL supossed to be doing what is in Craig Stephen's best interest? Just remember, you are not the only family that Craig Stephen has, you are part of his family, just like us. Please have the respect to, at least, pick up the phone and call us if there are things that "we", his family, need to know. We love Craig Stephen, just as much as all of you do. Remember that, the next time that you hear any information concerning Craig Stephen's health. This blog is for friends and aquaintances to check on his condition, not for Craig Stephen's family.

    March 19, 2009 2:20 AM

  2. Audrey,
    Please accept my apologies if I jumped the gun with this post. It probably would have been better for me to have held off posting this info until this morning. That would have given everyone more time to get information to the immediate family.

    No one here questions your family's love for CJ or his love for you. He is a lucky little boy to have such loving families around him.

    You are absolutely right, his best interest is what is most important. That is exactly why we've tried to limit the number of phone calls to/from Sheree. This allows her to focus her attention fully on CJ.

    We've set up sort of a communication chain. Sheree is keeping Craig informed. Christy is keeping Sheree's family updated and I am keeping Greg's family updated. Unfortunately, this is going to be a very long, often tense, process. I hope we are able to keep things running smoothly as we go.
