Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Interim Maintenance finished

Posted by Mommy:

Interim maintenance phase of CJ’s treatment is now finished. Today was his last dose of methotrexate, or energy juice as CJ calls it, through his port. His anc was just under 1000 today. Since it is up from last week Dr. Raj decided to give CJ a little bigger dose of chemo today. He also let us know that his counts will come down from this, so for the next two weeks at least we are still home bound. We have to go back to the clinic next week for a count check just to make sure the chemo didn’t bring CJ’s counts too much. The next phase will start after his counts come back up enough to receive chemo again; the doctors are hoping two weeks.

As for the holiday weekend, we will be home still. The silver lining to this dark cloud is that we can see Corydon’s fireworks from our front yard. We just can’t have our party this year, because of CJ’s counts this low. Hopefully next year will be better, when we are settled into a more normal life. Well, at least we will be into our new normal knowing that our lives will never be same as they were before cancer. I am sure everyone knows that life can change in a second and never be the same again. Sometimes it is good, and sometimes it is bad, but life is what you make of it. We are bound and determined to make this into a good thing. I just I to keep telling myself it is all about attitude. After all the only disability in life is a bad attitude.

1 comment:

  1. We will miss Greg's fried fish, but will be standing in line next year when CJ is feeling GREAT. Maintenance phase is a much better place, still scary but much higher counts. As always, we are always thinking about you guys. I really enjoyed swimming with CJ and Hunter a couple weeks ago. Hang in there!!

