Friday, June 5, 2009

Still Waiting

Posted by Mommy

CJ has come long way in the last three months. When we first started going to the clinic everything upset him. He cried to get his vitals done. Now he can tell you what step is next and helps the nurse take all of them. The finger poke to find out his counts was a big deal and what he dreaded most, and he had to be held still to get it done; now he is setting in the chair by himself picking a finger to poke. When the doctors came in the room three months ago it was automatic tears. Now he jokes with them and doesn’t mind getting listened to. Even the port access is easier now. We are bragging on him on how tough and big he is getting.

CJ had an appointment on Tuesday this week. He was brave and tough for the finger poke and ready to get his straw put in when they told us his ANC is still at 400. His counts have to be at a minimum of 500 to get any chemo. Since they were too low they sent us home on lock down again and told us to come back on Friday.

Friday we went back to the clinic for try number two to get chemo. After CJ explained to the nurse how to take vitals he played in the chemo room with Vivianne who was there to get her monthly chemo treatment. CJ got to see how brave Vivianne was getting her port accessed and decided he could be even tougher. We went to get his finger poked, which he didn’t even want to sit on my lap to get it done, and picked out a finger to get poked. He even talked to the nurse the entire time she was doing it telling her how it is done. After a short wait the doctor came to the room and told us his counts are still at 400. That means we went home without chemo and have to come back next Wednesday to try again. I asked the doctor what we could do to make the counts go back up. He told me that only time could make them go up. The worse part about CJ’s counts being down and not getting his chemo is it delays his entire treatment. These delays are to be expected, but it doesn’t make them easier.

Being stuck at home for a week and a half means you have to be creative to keep little minds and hands entertained. One thing that we have done is indoor swimming. We put a small blow up kiddy pool in the living room and filled it with balls. When you remove the balls this same pool can be put over the ottoman and the coffee table to make a tunnel, add a blanket and it is a cave. We have had indoor picnics and craft time to help fill the time. We have also started doing school time during Hunter’s nap each day. We practice writing letters and numbers, CJ also loves dot-to-dot puzzles. When trying to get him to color he informed me he is just not the coloring type. CJ really enjoys school time each day. He prefers numbers over letters so we have worked on adding and subtracting, the balls from the pool are great for this, especially when baby brother comes and grabs one or two.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great. And yes the delays are very difficult to take but they are expected and common. We had a bunch of them too along the way. It was great to see you guys. I hate that you are still stuck in the house! Let us know if you need anything. Even if it is just an ear to vent.
