Posted by: Mommy
It has been a while since I posted last, but just remember no news is good news. We are getting ready to start the New Year, and the last year of chemo treatment. He has only 6 chemo treatments left, and 2 Spinal Taps. To someone who hasn’t lived through this the last three years this may seem like a lot. To us, we see the light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn’t seem real yet. Mid May the treatment ends. Then the shining moment in June, the blood tests to see if the cancer is gone. If all goes well by the end of June CJ could be having surgery to remove his port. We will still be under the scope for several more years to make sure it stays gone, but just through blood tests, and not taking medicines every single day. It will feel strange not having to watch the clock every night to make sure I cut CJ off from eating and drinking at a certain time before he can take his medicine. I can’t wait to be spontaneous, and just go somewhere with out having to plan out and worry when will we be eating, and have to pack medicine or hurry home.
As for right now, CJ and the family had a good Christmas, lots of family, lots of food, and lots of gifts. He even talked to Santa at school this year. You couldn’t pay him to go close to him until now. I am still not sure, but I think just wanted to get close to him so he could see if he was real or not. He also lost both of his front teeth right before Christmas, so he heard all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, a lot. He was sick of the song by the time Christmas was over.
He went through basketball camp, which is his new love. All he wants to do is play basketball. Since he towers over most kids his age and has a little extra advantage. He can’t wait until he is old enough to play on the school team.
Everything else has been good. His counts are staying right where they are suppose to. We haven’t had any surprise in his treatment. And he is making straight A’s in school. We couldn’t ask for much more.