Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Posted by: Mommy

We have had a busy couple of months this spring. First CJ started T-ball. This will be his last year of T-ball before the next league up. CJ loves playing. It is exciting watching this little boy play with so much passion at only six years old. He doesn’t play in the dirt, or spend the game watching what everyone else is doing except the game. CJ is focused. He plays first base most of the time and does it quite well. He gets multiple outs every game, and doesn’t have any problems hitting the ball either, no T for this kid. No home runs as of yet, but they make it to the fence most of the time. He loves people coming to watch him, and always looks over at me after he does something good to make sure I am watching, as if he didn’t already know by how loud I cheer.

We also had Easter. CJ got woke up bright and early by his little brother Easter morning. Hunter was already finding eggs that the Easter Bunny hid around the house the night before since it has been raining. I am also proud of CJ for telling me about the real meaning of Easter more than once. He is funny when he tells you, saying things like, “Mommy did you know Jesus came back from the dead on Easter. He died for us then he came back and went to live with God. God is Jesus’ daddy.” This makes me feel good knowing that he pays attention at church and school.

As for his chemo treatment, CJ’s counts continue to go up. Last visit his ANC was at 3600. Since the last two months his chemo is going up the doctors have decided to raise his chemo dose. This is good news since his chemo dose has been lower than normal since his last hospital visit. We are now back to his normal dose. We have to go back to the doctor next week to make sure this chemo dose increase didn’t lower his counts too much. The way he is acting I don’t think his counts are too low. He still has lots of energy, running and playing every chance he gets. This last visit CJ also had to get a spinal tap or sleepy test as he likes to call it. Everything went well except a little nausea after it was over. CJ seems to continue to do well with getting treatment. He hasn’t thrown any fits, and has accepted the fact that if he is good chemo is a lot easier. We found out that his final chemo treatment will be in May of 2012, instead of March like we originally thought. This is just how his treatment falls. So now I am officially counting down, one more year to go.

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