Posted by Mommy:
CJ had a clinic appointment on the 30th. During this appointment CJ’s ANC was at 1600, this is back down to where they want them, but since his counts have been going up and down instead of staying consistent the doctors changed his chemo dose. They did this for a couple of reasons. First CJ’s counts have been going up and down since the beginning of the year. Next, CJ has grown since he has got to the maintenance stage. He has grown 3 inches and 5 pounds in the last six months. We have to go back on April 13th the check his counts again to make sure they didn’t adjust them too much or not enough. CJ did do well at clinic getting his chemo this time. After a little talking into it, he just laid on the bed and held my hands and let them do it. He found out how much faster it was and didn’t hurt. We still had a few tears from nerves, but other than that he did very well.
CJ has started t-ball practice and has his first game this weekend. He has been practicing most of the last month and had a practice game last night. You have to love t-ball watching all the 4-6 year old kids learning something new. Most are looking around, playing in the dirt, setting in the grass, but not CJ. CJ pays close attention to everything that goes on. If the ball goes into the half of the field he is in, he is running after it. His favorite part is batting. He is pretty good at it too. All he wants to do anymore is practice t-ball. He gets really excited about going to practice, and wants everyone to come watch him. We went to get his baseball pants and socks, and can’t wait until he gets to wear his black pants and purple socks. I will post pictures after his games.